Umbrella Down

    0 157
.cs, .csproj, .dll, .prefab, .unityproj, .xml, build.settings

Mr. Umbrella Man is on a thrilling journey down the time tower, aiming to reach the bottom of the clock tower. Experience addictive gameplay filled with action and adventure in this optimized mobile game template.


  • Addictive gameplay providing hours of entertainment
  • Stunning 2D animation for immersive visuals
  • Encounter 12 enemy groups throughout the game
  • Beautifully crafted 2D effects enhance the gaming experience
  • Integrated Admob Interstitial for monetization
  • Share your progress on Facebook with easy sharing options
  • Clean and simple C# codebase for easy understanding and customization
  • Customizable touch controller support for mobile devices
  • High performance optimized for mobile platforms
  • Cross-platform compatibility: works seamlessly on PC, Mac, iOS, Android, and more


Unity 5.6

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