Army Raid - Unity Project

    1 459
.h , .c , psd, png
Experience an engaging strategy game that will immerse you in captivating gameplay. Seize control of your territories from foes and rise as the dominant ruler of the continent.

Reclaim your captured castles by defeating enemy forces with your skilled warriors. Enlist fresh recruits, enhance their abilities, and secure victory in every conflict.

For each vanquished enemy, you'll earn valuable rewards. Utilize these rewards strategically to crush your adversaries.

Game Features:
- Integrated Ads and Rewards
- Seamless Localization (Video Tutorial)
- Effortless Reskinning
- Abundant Levels
- Stunning Graphics
- Numerous Unique and Challenging Levels
- Multiple Upgrade Options

Requirements :
Unity free license version 2021 or later
macOS and Xcode for build iOS

Current version :
Unity  2021.1.16f

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