Merge Evolution: Marine Deeps

    0 136
.cs, .csproj, .dll, .prefab, .unityproj, .xml, build.settings

Merge Evolution: Marine Deeps is a captivating game that challenges your strength and intelligence. Embark on a journey of evolution, transforming simple marine animals into formidable predators or building the ultimate warship from primitive submarines. Experiment, collect the best units, and dominate the battles in the deep blue sea.


  • Complete evolution from simple marine animals to giant predators
  • Build and upgrade warships from primitive submarines
  • Experiment with various units to find the best combinations
  • Engaging and strategic gameplay
  • Stunning graphics and immersive sound effects
  • Multiple challenging levels
  • Ads integrated (AdMob, Unity Ads)
  • Support for 64-bit architectures


Unity 2019.3.9

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