Liquid Sort - Water Sort

    0 166
.cs, .csproj, .dll, .prefab, .unityproj, .xml, build.settings

Liquid Sort Puzzle, also known as Water Sort Puzzle, is a complete Unity game developed in Unity 2020.3.11f1. With 600 different levels and an easy-to-use level editor, you can enjoy endless sorting challenges. Exercise your brain as you sort colored water into glasses, all while enjoying a relaxing yet stimulating gameplay experience.


  • Unity Ads Integration: Includes banner, interstitial, and rewarded video ads.
  • 600 levels: Each level presents increasing difficulty to keep you engaged.
  • Level Editor: Easily add and customize levels with full documentation provided.
  • Cool UI Effects: Enjoy smooth animations and effects for an immersive experience.
  • Compatible with mobile and desktop: Play on iOS, Android, or PC platforms.
  • Easily build for Android & HTML5 via Unity.
  • Ready to publish: The game is prepared for release, making it suitable for learning purposes.


Unity 2020.3.11f1

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