Hungry Warriors

    1 180
.cs, .csproj, .dll, .prefab, .unityproj, .xml, build.settings

Hungry Warriors is a dynamic 3D action game optimized for mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, and Android. This complete Unity project is ready for publication or can serve as a solid foundation for building your own game. With easy customization options including texture and AdMob ad ID changes, it offers flexibility to suit your needs. Compatible with Unity 2020.3.42f1 or later, this game promises an engaging gaming experience for players of all skill levels.


  • Addictive gameplay providing hours of street fighting excitement
  • Easy graphic customization to tailor the game to your preferences
  • Controller support for both PC and mobile devices
  • Entertaining and addictive gameplay mechanics
  • Stunning effects and animations for immersive gameplay
  • AdMob Interstitial integration for monetization opportunities
  • Support for 64-bit devices
  • Compatibility with the latest Android 13 platform
  • Export support for AAB files


Unity 2020.3.42f1

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