Happy Glass Game

    0 112
.cs, .csproj, .dll, .prefab, .unityproj, .xml, build.settings

Happy Glass – Draw Lines is a new and addictive draw line puzzle game where the goal is to fill the glass with liquid and make it smile again! Use your creativity to find the best solutions for each level. Some levels may seem easy, but can you achieve the coveted 3-star rating?


  • 100 levels with more coming soon!
  • Fun and relaxing theme that keeps you engaged.
  • Simple, smart, and fun puzzles with varying levels of challenge.
  • Dynamic mechanism allowing you to draw lines freely to complete levels.
  • Simple code structure.
  • Easy to reskin and modify.
  • Easy to add levels.
  • Integrated with AdMob for monetization.


Unity 2018

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