FireStorm Squad

    0 181
.cs, .csproj, .dll, .prefab, .unityproj, .xml, build.settings

Firestorm Squad places you in the role of the top MI-6 agent, tasked with protecting the purple planet from mutants and dark forces. Guard the precious green energy and keep the air clean by battling against the destruction caused by industrial machinery. Engage in 30 action-packed missions filled with explosive scenarios, controllable vehicles, and multiple weapons as you fight to defeat the Shadow Lord and his evil minions.


  • 30 challenging missions
  • Controllable vehicles including tanks, cars, helicopters, and turrets
  • Variety of weapons and explosives
  • Achievements to unlock
  • In-game shop with features like GodMode, Golden Gun, and a Jetpack
  • Extensive explosions for a thrilling gameplay experience
  • Easy reskin with humanoid characters
  • Video tutorial for easy reskinning


Unity 2017

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