Dash and Boat

    1 178
.cs, .csproj, .dll, .prefab, .unityproj, .xml, build.settings

Dash and Boat is a fun and addictive game where you control a running boat with just one finger. Smash boxes, wheels, and drums along the way, but watch out for rocks that can end your journey. Simple to play but challenging to master, Dash and Boat offers endless excitement.


  • Easy to Reskin
  • Addictive gameplay
  • Optimized for mobile devices
  • Unity Ads (interstitial, rewarded, and banner ads)
  • Admob (interstitial, rewarded, and banner ads)
  • Rewarded ads to continue the game
  • Applovin (interstitial, rewarded, and banner ads)
  • Chartboost (interstitial, rewarded, and banner ads)
  • Facebook ads (interstitial, rewarded, and banner ads)
  • Endless gameplay
  • Immersive sounds and music


Unity 2018.3.10f1

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