Crossy Word: Crossword Puzzles

    0 308
.cs, .csproj, .dll, .prefab, .unityproj, .xml, build.settings

Embark on a journey to become a trivia master and explore stunning sceneries in this unique word game that adds an innovative twist to traditional crossword puzzles.


  • Support for multiple languages: English (2100 puzzles), French (550 puzzles), German (950 puzzles), Italian (650 puzzles), Portuguese (2050 puzzles), Spanish (1450 puzzles).
  • Extensive and captivating map design.
  • Clean and professional source code.
  • Easily adaptable for multiple platforms.
  • Admob integration for banner, interstitial, and rewarded video ads.
  • In-app purchase integration for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows Store, Amazon, and Mac platforms.
  • Simple process for adding more puzzle groups and puzzles.
  • Magic star feature to assist users in opening puzzle boxes.
  • Save progress functionality allows users to continue their game later.


Unity 2018.3.14

Demo APK:


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